
KINDERGARTEN students will:
- Use basic elements of design (line, color, shape)
- Explore a variety of media and techniques to create art which conveys feelings or ideas
- Describe what their art communicates
- Describe whether or not a student appreciates a work of art
- Explore artwork from a variety of artists and cultures
- Identify lines & shapes
- Mix primary colors
- Use scissors and glue
- Draw with oil pastel
- Paint big strokes using tempera paint and watercolor
- Create a collage
- Sculpt using clay
FIRST GRADE students will:
- Use basic elements and principles of design (line, shape, color, texture, pattern)
- Explore a variety of media and techniques to create art which conveys feelings or ideas
- Use critique to revise and improve work and help others
- Explore art techniques and appreciates artwork from a variety of artists and cultures
- Draw with lines and shapes to create shape and image
- Mix secondary colors from primary colors
- Paint with warm and cool colors
- Draw with markers and crayons
- Draw and color with oil pastels
- Create a collage
- Build a clay pinch pot
- Use a horizon line
SECOND GRADE students will:
- Use elements and principles of design (line, shape, color, texture, contrast, pattern)
- Use a variety of media and techniques to create art which conveys feelings or ideas
- Use critique to revise and improve work and help others
- Explore art techniques and appreciates artwork from a variety of artists and culture
- Draw from observation
- Mix tints and shades
- Paint with warm and cool colors
- Draw with markers, paint and chalk
- Identify geometric and organic shapes
- Learn basic print-making
- Weave
- Use a horizon line
- Use symmetry in art
- Build with a slab of clay
THIRD GRADE students will
- Use elements and principles of design (line, shape, color, texture, contrast, pattern)
- Name and use a variety of media and techniques to create art which conveys feelings or ideas
- Use critique to revise and improve work and help others
- Demonstrate knowledge of artwork from a variety of artists and cultures
- Draw from observation
- Mix paints to create tints and shades
- Paint with warm and cool colors
- Create detailed collages
- Practice perspective - basic here, near and far
- Create a 3D project from clay, paper or paper mache
- Create a drawing with contrast
FOURTH GRADE students will:
- Use elements and principles of design (line, shape, form, emphasis, value, rhythm, texture, contrast, pattern)
- Name and use a variety of media and techniques to create art which conveys feelings or ideas
- Use critique to revise and improve work and help others
- Demonstrate knowledge of artwork from a variety of artists and cultures
- Mix tints and shades
- Use monochromatic colors
- Build on watercolor techniques
- Paint a Still-Life
- Draw realistically with shading
- Draw 1-point perspective
- Create a 3D project from clay, paper or paper mache
- Build coil pot with clay
FIFTH GRADE students will:
- Use elements and principles of design (line, shape, form, color, texture, space, contrast, emphasis, value, pattern, unity)
- Use a variety of media and techniques for specific purposes
- Use critique to revise and improve work and help others
- Create art based on knowledge of artwork from a variety of artists and cultures
- Paint a Still-Life
- Use monochromatic colors
- Use complimentary colors
- Use value in a piece of art
- Draw realistically with shading
- Use 1 point perspective
- Draw using movement and form
- Create art inspired by ancient times
- Create a cylinder out of clay