Samuel Morey Elementary School has many traditions that enhance our school culture, bring students and community members together, and enrich our academic experiences.

Classes at SME traditionally meet every other week for an all-school Community Meeting. This is an opportunity to build community through shared activities, songs, and movement breaks, and to celebrate the learning and quality work that each class is doing.
The SME community also comes together throughout the school year to build positive culture through special events like Spirit Days, I Love To Read Week, 100s Day and Field Day.
In the fall, students take the lead in showing their parents around their classrooms at Bring Your Family To School Night. Families follow a scavenger hunt to discover what their child does at school all day and to see what their child has been learning.
There are also opportunities throughout the year for students to meet and learn from members of our wider community. We have also enjoyed learning about diversity and disabilities through Differences Day, meeting professionals in a wide range of occupations during Jobs on the Move, and visiting with experts in fields that relate to what our classes are learning.